Raw Date & Coconut Slice
250g pitted Dates
300g dried Coconut
250g Cashews
zest from one Lemon
juice from one Lemon
1tsp. Honey
1 tsp. Flax Seeds
40 ml water
- Place dates and cashew nuts in a blender and blend on high speed for 10 seconds or until chopped into small pieces.
- Add lemon juice, honey, water and flax seeds and blend for a further 2 minutes.
- Once ingredients are blended evenly, add coconut and mix in a mixing bowl by hand until all ingredients are combined.
- Line a baking tray with baking paper and spoon the mixture into the tray. Flatten the mixture out so that it is spread evenly in the tray.
- Sprinkle with coconut and refrigerate for at least one hour before serving.
Cut into squares and serve.
Physio Direct is ACC accredited so you can come to us directly to get an injury registered with ACC without having to go to your GP first, followed by an assessment, treatment and follow up review, to ensure correct care and recovery. Physio Direct can also refer you directly for Cortisone injections, X-Rays and Ultra Sound Scans and on to Specialists if needed.
Please feel free to print out these news letters and put the in the staffroom and hand them out to your team. Understanding more about injuries, gives people the power to prevent an injury from occurring in the first place. Prevention and education is the key!