Baby Carrot and Almond Salad - Physio Direct NZ

Baby Carrot and Almond Salad


1 bunch baby carrots (any colour)

 1 tbsp white wine vinegar

 2 tbsp almonds, roughly chopped

 1 tsp honey

 1 tbsp soy sauce

 1 tbsp peanut oil



  1. Trim carrot tops, wash. Soak leaves in cold water for 30 minutes, dry, and store in moist towel in the crisper of the fridge.
  2. Whisk together white wine vinegar, soy, honey and peanut oil.
  3. Place the carrots in saucepan of cold water and bring to boil. Simmer for 5 minutes, drain and cut in half if desired. Toss with dressing.
  4. Add 3 tbsp of the chopped leaves and almonds and mix with carrots.

Ready to serve straight away.
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